
"Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children has an important role to play." - KCSIE

Our Safeguarding Team 


Mrs Lindsay Brayford

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)


Miss Keelie Mellor

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)


Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Beth Riley

We are an Operation Encompass school

St Bartholomew’s Primary participates in a national scheme called “Operation Encompass”. This is a joint partnership between Staffordshire Police and schools where all incidents of domestic abuse are shared with schools. We know that children can be significantly harmed, physically and/or emotionally during these situations, and that it also negatively affects their learning & behaviour. Therefore, as part of the Operation Encompass procedure the school receives an email from Staffordshire Police the morning after a child has been witness to, or involved in any recorded domestic abuse incident. We are then able to use this information to provide the right support to any child and their family as and when they need it.

 Clicking the image below will take you to the Operation Encompass website

Op. Encompass.jpg


To view our Safeguarding Policy, please CLICK HERE

For parent information on social media click here.

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